Sweeping tax reform offers one of the best chances to raise growth; by this I mean reform which reduces marginal tax rates on work, investment and saving, and reduces tax preferences for particular industries and assets. 广泛的税收改革会为促进增长提供最好的机会。我所说的改革是指降低工作、投资、储蓄方面的边际税率,并减少对特定行业和资产的税收优惠。
Such an outcome makes no progress on spending restraint, leaving individuals and businesses fearing both higher interest rates as debt mounts and higher taxes ( as the president has called for higher marginal tax rates on work, saving and investment), discouraging economic growth. 这种结果在限制支出上没有任何进展,会使个人和企业既担心政府会随着债务攀升而提高利率,又担心政府增税(奥巴马呼吁提高工资、储蓄和投资的边际税率),阻碍经济增长。
Alan Viard of the American Enterprise Institute think-tank says one solution would be to "lower the marginal tax rates on investment while introducing some form of consumption taxation into the system". 美国企业研究所(americanenterpriseinstitute)的艾伦维亚德(alanviard)表示,解决方案之一将是“降低投资的边际税率,同时在系统中引入某种形式的消费税”。
Marginal analysis of best safety investment of coal enterprises 煤炭企业最佳安全投资的边际分析
Because the significant negative effect of bank development on marginal productivity of investment offsets its positive effect on savings and investment, there is no significant causality between bank development and economic growth. 由于银行发展对投资边际产出率的显著负面影响抵消了其对储蓄和投资的正面影响,使得贵州银行发展对经济增长不存在显著的因果影响关系。
This article demonstrates the investment amount of enterprises in their future development with the safety prediction theory, and analyzes the security benefits and the safe investment, together with the marginal investment theory. 利用安全预测理论,对煤矿企业安全效益和安全投入进行分析,结合边际投资理论,研究企业未来发展中安全的投入量。
The risks of marginal efficiency of steel investment will be evaded in discretional economy policy. 在相机经济政策背景下钢铁边际投资效率大起大落的风险将得以规避。
The empirical studies show that given the present market price of the stock, the rate of marginal growth flow reflects the investment worth of the high technical listed companies scientifically, therefore is a very good evaluation index. 实证研究结果表明:边际成长流量比可以科学地反映高科技上市公司在现行股票市价条件下的投资价值,是一种理想的评价指标。
Research on Application of Safety Prediction in Marginal Investment 安全预测在边际投资中应用的研究
The person consumer-credit market that is beneficial to human capital investment and the system boundary about marginal consumer's tendency to increase education investment. 增加教育边际投资倾向的个人信贷市场;
Application of Marginal Concept in decision of Investment Management in Enterprise 边际概念在企业投资管理决策中的应用
Empirical Analyses on Marginal Efficiency of Steel Investment and the Validity of China(?) Discretional Monetary Policy 中国钢铁业边际投资效率与相机选择货币政策有效性的实证分析
According to Kiyoshi Kojima's theory of "Expansion of Marginal Industries," Japanese" Favorable Trade-oriented Investment "in East Asia has brought fairly huge positive effects in enlarging Japan's trade and promoting the growth of Japanese macro-economy. 根据小岛清的边际产业扩张论,日本对东亚的顺贸易导向型投资,对扩大东道国贸易,促进东道国宏观经济增长均有较大的积极效应。
Since the marginal contribution of the investment scale to the gross return decreases, the optimum investment scale exits theoretically to maximize the gross investment return. 因为投资规模对企业总体收益的边际贡献递减,因此理论上存在使企业获得最大投资收益的最优规模。
The result of an empirical analysis shows that the marginal contribution of investment growth on GDP growth weakens gradually as the degree of marketization and the level of economic development increase. 基于实证分析的结果显示,在我国不同发展时期和不同地区经济发展过程中,投资增长对GDP增长的边际贡献随市场化程度和经济发展水平的提高而逐渐减弱;
The changes of output elasticity of agricultural investment and marginal output indicate that institutional changes affect the agricultural investment effect. 农业投资产出弹性和边际产值变化表明:制度变迁影响了农业投资绩效。
As far as different regional economic developments are concerned, the marginal contribution of investment growth on GDP growth in different areas presents an inverse U shape relationship depending on the economic development level and geographic position differences of the east, the middle and the west. 就不同区域经济发展而言,各地区投资增长对GDP增长的边际贡献依经济发展水平和东中西部地理位置差异近似呈倒U型关系。
Uncertainty, equivalent marginal cost and investment 风险、等效边际成本与投资规模
Generally speaking, the marginal return of investment on agricultural research to agricultural economic growth and poverty reduction is the highest and the second is that of the investment on roads. 总体而言,农业科研投资对农业经济增长和贫困的边际回报最高。
The results of the study indicated that cognitive style has the marginal significant effect on the risk preference in investment decision-making and subjects with different cognitive styles have different MLA performance. Basically, the experiments results correspond with previous Myopic Loss Aversion Theories. 结果表明,认知风格对于投资决策的结果的主效应达到了边缘显著。认知风格不同的被试的短视损失厌恶的表现存在一定的差异。实验结果基本上支持了以往有关短视损失厌恶的理论。
Education, irrigation and electricity has relatively little impact on agricultural economic growth, but the marginal benefit of education and electricity investment on non-agriculture GDP is relatively high. 教育、灌溉和电力对农业经济增长的影响相对较小,但是教育和电力投资对非农业总产值的边际收益都较高。
There is no doubt that investment activities will also affect corporate marginal tax rate, but the marginal tax rate of business investment is of little relevance to after-tax income. 毫无疑问,投资活动也将对企业边际税率造成影响,但投资活动边际税率与企业税后收益之间的联系并不紧密,因此,本文并不对投资活动做过多分析。
Tax incentive is one of the most important devices for the government to intervene FDI, with the mechanism that tax affects marginal benefit and marginal cost of investment. 从理论上研究了税收激励对外直接投资的作用机制,税收会影响投资的边际收益和资本成本,是政府干预对外直接投资的重要手段之一。
Taking the labor force disposition as the foundation. income maximization condition proves that under the effect influence of the crops price and the government subsidy. Chinese fanner can realize the income maximization when the marginal revenue contribution from labor investment is equal between agriculture management and going-out. 以劳动力配置为基础的收入最大化条件证明,在农产品价格和政府补贴效应影响下,农业经营与外出务工劳动力投入的边际收入贡献相等时,农户能够实现收入最大化。
That is to say, government control makes the SOEs to undertake marginal social expenditure, such as non-efficiency investment and redundancy. 也就是说,政府干预使国有上市公司承担了更多的诸如非效率投资、冗员等边际社会性支出。
Diminishing marginal propensity to consume resulted in insufficient consumption, while law of capital diminishing marginal utility and flow preferences caused insufficient investment. 边际消费倾向递减规律造成了消费不足,而资本边际效率递减和流动偏好规律造成了投资不足。
In the context of the financial crisis, marginal propensity to consume, the sensitivity of investment to interest rate, the sensitivity of money demand to income have exhibited a decreasing mode, however, sensitivity of money demand to interest rate has appeared an increase trend. 在金融危机背景下,边际消费倾向、投资对利率敏感度、货币需求对收入敏感度等会出现减小趋势,货币需求对利率的敏感度具有增大趋势,这些将会使财政政策的挤出效应变小。
Under a district hypothesis, and with the theory and method of public economics, the paper deduced the optimal condition of tolling system to national economy. The condition is that marginal benefit of investment equals to the opportunity cost. 本文在严格的假设条件下,采用公共经济学的基本理论和方法推导出了收费制度使国民经济产出最大化的条件,即公路投资的边际收益等于其机会成本。